Myriad methods of safely expanding apt inaction/s. Wednesday January the 18th ~ Me dancing during Swingin' at the Speakeasy. The Faculties are live with Pia betwixt sets from 7. I'm on the decks from 10 til around 2. Entry be gratis. Thursday January the 19th ~ Match weather forecasts to reality whilst listening to music at the Sydney Festival's new outdoor, family-friendly and free season of Seymour Nights in the courtyard of City Road's Seymour Centre. Hear the elements coalesce from 5.30 til 8.30. Saturday January the 21st ~ Jack Off obeys all orders and defers eternally to the great powers that be, as exemplified by our voluntary labour of decades sitting, especially between the hours of 3 and 5PM each Saturday. Following this ritual act of broadcast servitude we bow before the masses in person at the shrine that is the Bob Hawke Beer and Leisure Centre from half-past eight til eleven-thirty. No charge. Sunday January the 22nd ~ Seymour Nights wraps up with an afternoon affair featuring sonic flights of fancy from yours truly, taking wing at 4PM and running (idly) til 7. Free! Comments are closed.
January 2025