Licenses to be killed available on application from the bureaucrat at the top desk. Good times! Wednesday February the 23rd ~ After yet another sudden government edict extinguishing our core practices during Swingin' at the Speakeasy the time has come to switch the lights back on and revel in singing and dancing once more. Queenie and the Cavaliers featuring guest George Washingmachine will be live from 7 til 10PM then I will dish up beats and melodies til 2 or 3AM. Free! Thursday February the 24th ~ As we are plunged yet again into endless European wars of delusional empire and intractable ego I will spin sonnets of bittersweet sorrow and lyrics of lament for the early 5 til 7PM set at Palmer & Co. If you are heading to see Springtime at the Recital Hall this will serve as the ideal intro, serving to bathe and fortify all internal organs. Hear here. Friday February the 25th ~ As the weekend begins again I'll ascend far above the city streets to gaze in wonder at the temporary towers of our powers, all the while courting and collapsing the capital that lures everyone in. Join me aloft at Dean and Nancy on 22 for a sanguine summer evening of informed entertainment, from 9PM til 12.30AM. Entry is free. Bookings recommended. Saturday February the 26th ~ This little snail will then wind up to transmit another Jack Off on FBi Radio between 3 and 5PM before quickly reconvening in Marrickville to play my dear old-school-mate Jessie's 50th birthday. Time, gentle friends - it resists and persists. On this Eve Of Destruction we take our places amongst the absurd and unsustainable metrics of man, playing the fool and fiddling with firesticks. Wednesday February the 16th ~ Swingin' at the Speakeasy is recommended for cellar dwellers on the make, like me. 10PM til 2AM. Free. Thursday February the 17th ~ Palmer & Co from the get go. 5 til 7PM. Gratis. Friday February the 18th ~ My final audio introduction for the Open Air Cinema season starts as the stunning sunset colours emerge at 6, running til darkness descends at 8.30, so as to enable the evil House of Gucci to emerge. Saturday February the 19th ~ Jack Off somehow survives by ducking and weaving punches from the tattooed fists of LOVE and HATE. Butterflies and the knees of bees make inscrutable musical maps from 3 til 5 via FBi Radio. The final act of creation and continuity for this week will proceed apace at Maybe Sammy, where all that was stable shall lift and skip aside as impossible audio trajectories undermine the paltry defaults of servers and selectors elsewhere, instead elevating adventure and engagement always. There's no charge to join the fray. 9PM til 12.30AM x Had such a stunning trip south to play the EwFimism wedding in Daylesford. Stunned and grateful to travel again, especially to connect with country I've missed so since the cessation of Meredith and Plains (where I first met said conjugal pair). Smashed with city obligations now of course, so this edition will again be a little brief. My head and heart are still out amongst the springs, lakes, creeks, birds, trees and insects of the bush. Wednesday February the 9th ~ By the way all of the pics in today's newsletter were snapped in an hour's stroll out near Glenlyon. We'd had a great tip to lunch at the General Store there on our country road ramble back to the airport and found there was a waterfall 5 minutes up the way upon perusing some maps. Words cannot describe! Sandstone in proximity to the storm water remnants of Sydney's fabled Tank Stream may not sound like a compelling urban alternative but you would only think that if you have never experienced Palmer & Co. Tonight I continue the umpteenth year of my Wednesday residency on the decks from 10PM, following on from the gentle giant that is DJ Soup. Friday February the 11th ~ Whether small sulphurous springs, large lakes or wild river waterholes are yr thing you'll come closer to nature in the Backyard at The Alex. Hear me play a pre-sundown set for free (as per all of this week's gigs) from 4 til 6PM, no doubt highly excited for the two sets of actual live - and always mystical - music from The Necks at the Opera House directly afterwards. Saturday February the 12th ~ I'll have several week's worth of wonderful discoveries to share with you on Jack Off between 3 and 5PM on FBi. Heartfelt thanks to Jonny for his custodianship of our aberrant spot on the grid. My final destination for the working week will be on the 22nd floor of a CBD skyscraper, scattering strange and soulful sounds from across the globe into both the dining and cocktail bar sides of the building as the last light leaches from the twilit summer sky. Playing at Dean and Nancy on 22 is always rather a romantic swoon of an evening. I pinch myself at all of this. I'm so glad to be alive, free, loved, healthy and able to share the work of artists of such spirit. I've only the one engagement in Sydney this week, before (hopefully) flying south to play the wedding of some very dear Plains-people in Daylesford. Instead of the (un)usual GIFs I thought I'd share a handful of snaps from our Invasion Day swims at beautiful Conwong and Yarra Bay, on either side of Vic Simms' corrective appearance on the balcony of the La Pa museum (once an institution for unwed mothers and their babies), oddly imposed on the land where where he and his mob have long lived. Wednesday February the 2nd ~ Tonight I'll be Swingin' at the Speakeasy, spinning from an ever-increasing arsenal of timeless oddities, between 10PM and 1 or 2AM, for free. Saturday February the 5th ~ The day after we land in Melbourne Jonny Seymour will again take to the air for another immaculate conception of Jack Off on FBi. Tune in between 3 and 5PM to be transported beyond borders of any form. Meanwhile I'll once again be rendering romance in the flesh, for hundreds of people, by a gorgeous lake, to celebrate the transformative wonder of love. Surely soon wedding rituals will again populate my calendar. It has been too long. |
February 2025