Apologies for intruding on yr Xmas day. I neglected to get this last edition for 2020 out in time for my gig at Palmer last night. Things have been beautiful but busy. Somehow we made it to see my dear Mum in Queensland prior to the latest border closures and quarantines, then, on our return to NSW, we were fortunate enough to stay at the sanctuary of Jack's Cottage amongst the Scarborough vineyards of the Hunter. Saturday December the 26th ~ There's little left for me to deliver musically this year. Firstly, one broadcast of Jack Off on FBi Radio, between 3 and 5PM tomorrow. Tune in for sincere sonic perspectives and inklings of infinity. Sunday December the 27th ~ Thence, a final, five-hour-long set (from 2PM) on the ravishing rooftop of the Imperial Hotel. It's a breeze to socially distance up there in the fresh air. Would be lovely to see you. Attendance is free. Unsurprisingly, given the utter clusterfuck to befall this planet of late, we are ending the annum with another blooming viral reminder of our fragility and the tenuous nature of humanity's place on Earth. Locally (and personally) that means 3 NYE gigs I had slated are cactus. That is for the best I think. We've untold tasks ahead to rebuild and renew in a wiser and more sustainable fashion in 2021. Take some time now, while nature affords another chance, to reflect and replenish. I wish you peace and health. Thank you for listening out for each other and staying in touch. On a personal note I'd also like to send heartfelt love and gratitude to a few individuals who've borne me up through a time of grave loss and upheaval (beyond the pandemic): To Soup and Blob, you'll always be kin. I sure have been A LOT forever but you never baulk and always encourage perseverance and the sound path onward. To Sean, the bravest brother imaginable. No-one could ever countenance what you endured - and you did it with wry good-humour and dignity til death. Yr with me mate. I won't forget. To Mum and Dad, for remaining real and genuinely supportive despite distance and decades of trauma. To Rabia, for yr sincere, enduring efforts parenting and yr determination to make a difference at home and via hard work. To Errol, words will never capture the sheer wonder and joy I derive from witnessing you think, seek and grow. You open my eyes and earth my feet through yr insight and empathy. To Liz (plus your kind, inclusive family and community) - thank you for yr steadfast ethical grace, passion and creativity. Despite this sorry year I am a stronger and better person due to you. Life is a joy. I love you. Kia kaha. See you on the other side all xo I write from rainy Queensland where (at last) key folks from my family are reunited. I'll be back in a few days to get stuck in to a handful of functions and shows before holidays really kick in. Wednesday December the 16th ~ Last week Palmer & Co careened over a precipice into a world of sheer delight after midnight - every person in the place dancing in disbelief and joy. Just like the old days, yet more keenly felt and appreciated. We'll be aiming to do it all again this Wednesday, straight out of multiple sets of live music and on into the early, early hours. I start spinning antique audio at 10PM. It's absolutely free! Saturday December the 20th ~ I've a secret party prerogative to pursue this Saturday, so I've requested a far better DJ take the reins in my stead for Jack Off. I'm absolutely stoked to be handing my 3 til 5 shift on FBi to the iconic and inspirational Jonny Seymour - a man who has tended to flocks of kooksters across our community with grace, courage and tenderness for decades. Tune in to feel love and affirmation over the airwaves. I'll personally be on the road to the Hunter Valley at the time and I know the selections programmed will be the ideal escort as I head towards a small but long-awaited break. Hitting the next half a hundred hard - not taking a back-woods step, floating and flying free instead. Thursday December the 10th ~ My menagerie and I entreat you to share a feast of below-ground sound for free betwixt 9PM and 2AM at Palmer & Co. Follow yr scentses to find us. Friday December the 11th ~ My eyes will be fixed on the horizon, despite all the limbs akimbo, as I spin at an actual house party where many humans will dance. Cannot fucking wait! Saturday December the 12th ~ A trio of unlikely events that I pray will somehow dovetail despite the scant minutes and many miles between each: beginning with a preschool age ballet concert; proceeding to being sole selector for a parkside 50th birthday bash; thence to Jack Off on FBi Radio, before drinking all the beverages left at a local street party and falling in a heap. Almost like the old normal what? Bring it! Unbeaten tracks, maiden (half) centuries and stone-free sanity for wild things everywhere: a passed marker, for love as logic and music's merit. Saturday December the 5th ~ Jack Off in domestic environs or in public, alone or together. Suspended reanimations resume between 3 and 5PM on Free Broadcast Incorporated. Tune it! Sunday December the 6th ~ A (extra-special) day to celebrate survival, despite all that 2020 has thrown at us. The first of many postponed weddings (and the first for me since this triumph of spirit/s) to stand on ceremony and insist on signifying the breath, determination and dignity of love, now. I'm ready. That's what I do! |
February 2025