Force of nature, performer and art educator Rosie Rivette free-bleeding at home, as photographed by artist, teacher and deejay Liz Ham (the source of all our imagery this week). Wednesday September the 27th ~ Having just spent a few days with these statuesque beauties in the bush I'll be full to the brim with birdsong to share during Swingin' at the Speakeasy tomorrow at Palmer & Co. 10PM til 1.30AM, after Mary Heart tears it up live starting at 7. Free! Friday September the 29th ~ Reunite with mates, or mobilise independently to discover community in the heart of the big smoke, as Sin City Soirée reconvenes at the Hollywood Hotel for our monthly party. Liz and myself bedeck the Doris Goddard salon with transcendent tunes between 9 and 2. All welcome. Always free. Saturday September the 30th ~ Come Saturday we're off to Dancing On the Tablelands so Jack Off will go to air via the stewardship of Jonny Seymour. Amazingly an invite extended to Kevin Morby much earlier this year has been accepted and this fine fellow will play for us from the studio directly after the broadcast begins at 3. Tune in! If yr down south or keen to join us at Hugh Wennerbom's superb Taralga pub The Argyle Inn there's music to accompany the fab food all weekend. I'll spin late Saturday from 9 til 11. No charge! May we all travel and listen with the acute ardour of another local force of nature Betty Grumble (pictured above, paying tribute to her mum Karmyn). My love and respect to all of the inspiring individuals featured here this week. Every one is profoundly dedicated to their creative passions regardless of relative recompense. Live for love. A craggy caper sonically saluting the GOAT/s. Wednesday September the 20th ~ Silver linings are found freely during Swingin' at the Speakeasy. I spin from 10 til close way late. Friday September the 22nd ~ Songs from the living heart and original custodians (pre-custody) get aired with steadfast intent and passion every time I play the Bob Hawke Beer and Leisure Centre. 8.30 til 11.30. Also always free. Saturday September the 23rd ~ Jack Off is the only program to have endured on Free Broadcast Incorporated from the very first week of the official birthday of the station 20 years ago. Not only that, we pre-date that particular launch too, via years of programs in the test broadcasts that secured us the licence, all in the same timeslot we continue to serve the community from: 3 til 5 on Saturday arvos. Currently various macro forces - from online algorhythmic impacts on radio as a medium, to chronic escalations in the cost of living - are conspiring to endanger our ability to maintain the place at all, let alone grow. I've dedicated my (rather immature) adult life to the joint so I humbly beg you to dig deep, if you are able, to pledge support this Saturday. All of the volunteers (and staff) also financially contribute, in the exact same way we annually request of our listeners - despite the obvious difficulty of doing so whilst giving up so much time, for no pay, in a city like Sydney today. You can sign up online here but the best bet is to call 90306945 so that we can get more of an idea of what you care for and need out of our portal - and then profusely thank you directly (not to mention shower you with prizes). Leah Senior will also join us to chat and sing live! Afterwards I'll again ascend to Dean and Nancy on 22, hopefully celebrating continuing to make something of a difference with yr always invaluable help. If you'd like to join me there to raise a toast swing by between 9 and half 12. It's free! Back from the dazzlingly brilliant Broken Heel festival in the far west, ready to c/rumble! Wednesday September the 13th ~ Swingin' at the Speakeasy spreads its wings with music & movement: live from 7 then bedecked 10-2. Friday September the 15th ~ More free sets play out on the weekend at the Bob Hawke Beer and Leisure Centre: 8.30 til 11.30PM. Saturday September the 16th ~ Jack Off precedes my return to the brewery, as Newy upstarts Dust play in the studio between 3 and 5. Thence it's back to Marrickville for a reprise bracket at the Bob Hawke Beer and Leisure Centre. Hope to see you somewhere along the way! Freaky far-flung fun for absolutely everyone. Wednesday September the 6th ~ My only local public performance this week will go down Swingin' at the Speakeasy. Free from 10 til 2. Thursday September the 7th ~ Thence I've a radical wrestling party to play for a computer corp in a fancy restaurant the next day. Friday September the 8th ~ Following these electrifying engagements in town I'm once again taking flight to Broken Hill to perform at the ebullient Broken Heel Festival. It's gonna be brisk out during my 11.30PM til 1.30AM set (from the actual Priscilla bus), possibly around 3 degrees! Cutting a rug on the dancefloor will be vital for survival! Saturday September the 9th ~ Things will warm up the next morning as I spin in the Town Square from 10 til 11.30AM, prior to the riotous Broken Heel drag parade through the streets. I cannot wait to celebrate with all of the visitors, locals and animals at once. It's free, all-ages and utterly hilarious - the ultimate cross-section of our unique and diverse society. Come dark I'll commence the conniptions for the huge Saturday Night Shindig with a wee set of whackiness from the bus betwixt 6 and 6.30. In my absence Jack Off will again be hosted by regular producer Luce. We tuned in from a Queensland beach and had a ball listening last time Luce took the reins. I recommend you make time to stream live between 3 and 5 - or catch up on-demand after. Sunday September the 10th ~ Sunday begins with a Bloody Mary Moo Moo party inside the resplendent Palace Hotel. I'll kick off an extremely enormous day at Broken Heel with some choice kitty cuts between 9 and 10.30AM. Then as the sun sets, around 5 til 6, folks will catch me warming up for the unmissable interactive screening of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert. This mistresspiece surpasses all tests of time. Speaking of, you can still make it out there if you get cracking after reading this. If that drive is a bridge too far, please get along next year. This is one of my favourite festivals in Australia. Words (and even images) cannot really do it justice. It's the larrikin and egalitarian aspect on the ground that gets ya. Trust me, try and make it one day! |
February 2025