Some pissed prick tried to pinch my Strand Hatters' Akubra mid-set at Palmer and Co last week. I despise hat thieves so set off (after cueing a few really long tracks and putting visiting DJ Soup in charge) in cool pursuit (they had a ten minute start and would, in all likelihood, have hopped in a cab to split). Halfway around the block in Hunter Street I saw this tool (and his mini-Milat mate) stranded outside a pub - my hat atop his swollen, misshapen mess of a face. He was immeasurably improved aesthetically but still ugly as all get-out - and thankfully too inebriated to even recognise the DJ he'd been badgering as I approached, close enough to pull my property off his dipshit dome. This triggered a piss-poor attempt at protest on his part but I managed to impress upon him that it would be unwise to fuck with an angry hat owner who was literally on the phone to the police at that very time. I swear to gods if anyone pulls that shit again anywhere at all I will be less diplomatic... Wednesday December the 4th ~ This may be tested as soon as tonight as I return to the scene of the crime - playing Palmer from 11 til close at around 3 (the city is nuts at the mo thus this could easily extend to 3.30AM). The usual Speakeasy affair ain't on due to a private function earlier so doors won't open earlier. Entry is free. Friday November the 6th ~ On Friday I kick off the musical offerings for the summer Finders Keepers market at The Cutaway. After my midday til 2 bracket there'll be live music from Lisa Caruso, Elizabeth Fader, Alice Terry and Sparrows before DJ Dylabolical wraps things up. Saturday December the 7th ~ Saturday sees next-level nutsness yet again, as I play music for 11 or 12 hours in total, beginning with an 11.30AM til 1.30PM set back at Finders. Jo Fabro, Fetherstone and Richie Cuthbert follow live before I magically reappear to spin another two hours of idiosyncratic audio at 5. In between I'll be hosting a particularly wayward edition of Jack Off that will culminate in a 40-minute-long Spod epic I've been hanging to unleash for months. Tune in from 3PM on FBi Radio. Finally I'll drag myself up to the Hollywood Hotel and attempt to do justice to the final set (for this year) at one of my favourite residencies of all time. Yet again last week was superb. It felt like the day peace was declared after a long and bitter war - with every soul in the joint singing to strange old standards like Unchained Melody or Those Were The Days. Those melodramatic radiophonic relics were interspersed with gigantic jams from Africa and Latin America, not to mention just-released local fare. The atmosphere just builds and builds, dancers cut loose and everyone is so kindly and appreciative. I love my job there. Please join us for my last set til the lockouts lift in January 2020. We'll roll from 9 right through til close at 2 or 3. We are always free! Comments are closed.
February 2025