Time, however temporarily, to blow this popsicle-stand to suck on some more substantive frozen fare! Thursday October the 20th ~ Sham DJs (keynote speaker Liz Ham and myself) soundtrack the opening party of the reanimated Wellington edition of Semi Permanent, at last! If yr reading from Aotearoa or headed there you'll find us spinning between 5.30 and 8PM. Friday October the 21st ~ After Liz's 10.20AM Sem Pem presentation at the St James Theatre we'll be at Meow, as I play a free 5 til 6.30PM set for the Wellington Jazz Festival. Sadly my more freewheeling independently-scheduled set at fabled Burmese family eatery Mabel's has had to be cancelled after some utter scum ripped off the venue's DJ gear recently. Please support them if you ever visit. They are kind and talented people. Saturday October the 22nd ~ Should the gods of the sky deign to let us by, I hope to be back in time to both host Jack Off on FBi (from 3 til 5PM) then spin celebratory songs for Kylie and Adam's Wedding at the MCA directly after. This all seems like a bit of a dream from this vantage, however sleep must wait til later... Comments are closed.
January 2025