Writing from across the ditch in Aotearoa today. Got a gig in the main town square of Auckland tomorrow - then I fly back home on Invasion Day.
There are many differences here, most for the better, though the worst white behaviour remains. As the poster-nations of 'Western Civilisation' (the US and UK) teeter on the brink of intractable, as-yet-undeclared, civil wars - bred equally of arrogance and apathy - it's apparent that evil continues to prevail on this corroded old globe. In the face of sinister violence and manipulation those of us with more empathetic aspirations do harder yards, striving through the incremental process of creatively building consensus. Some would say we're pushing shit up hill - and let's face it we may not prevail - but it's better than letting it slide. We wake, we clean, we remake. Friday January the 25th ~ Long-term readers would know my love of this country - and recall almost-annual pilgrimages to play here. I've come early to visit recent-returnee Rich (who used to run my fave bar ever, Mighty Mighty in Wellington) and family. They've traded Bondi for the Bay of Islands - taking a huge turn from city life by purchasing a jet ski tour business in Paihia. Having always found the bogan tools that ride those things such a hideous turn-off it has been bizarre to find myself stunned by the speed and freedom they provide out on the water. On my first day here Rich ponted out the headland where the Treaty of Waitangi was signed and I ducked over for a closer look at this beautiful historic site. I've always been impressed that any treaty was signed here - yet since researching further I've discovered that it was followed by countless betrayals. A bitter duplicity, so typical of the way colonial power manifested across this planet. I'm not sure how these threads will knit together when I play a four hour set from 5 for Auckland Live in Aotea Square tomorrow. It's a very central and public performance, happening for free at the beginning of a long weekend. Hopefully it will be faithful and fun - stirring soles and souls. Saturday January the 26th ~ There will be scant hours for sleep prior to a dawn flight back - and after a reset at home I'll be broadcasting a vital counterpoint to the pathetic posturing of our thwarted bogan nationalists. In this endeavour I'll be joined by sublime and sensitive expatriates Luluc - who have kindly deigned to come in and play for us after their sole Sydney gig on Friday evening. They will be followed by a rare return visit from indigenous icon: the Koori King of Country, the Black Elvis - Roger Knox, fresh from his 2.40PM set at Yabun in Victoria Park. Jack Off airs from 3 til 5PM on FBi Radio. Directly afterwards I'll be hopping the nearest cab to Bondi Beach, where I will stir as much original indigenous music as possible into a sweet and subtle cross-generational set on the balcony of Hotel Ravesis between 5.30 and 8PM. Entry is free. Sunday January the 27th ~ Lastly, my swim-sodden feet will trudge towards the verdant pastures of the Petersham Bowling Club - seeking to conjure a communal respite for people of all ages prior to their weekday routine resuming. Find us all there, soaking up the cool breeze by the greens, from 3 til 6PM. It's always free. Comments are closed.
February 2025