Wistful ways to play, out of this icy Autumn air. Friday May the 1st ~ Legal beagles might enjoy the second iteration of Questions Of Law - a free weekly (5PM Friday) happy hour trivia quiz, hosted by Julian Morrow. It has been great to soundtrack Jules' work again. Like our initial few outings (on an ambitious pairing of music and talk) for RN Drive a few years back, last week's opening ambit was a bit of a dog's breakfast. We both had reservations about the facility of Fakebook live and were flying by the seat of our pants with bloody everything outta sync. This week we're using Zoom and we're tentatively hopeful everything will (kinda) come together. Sign up here if you wana have a burl or just suss another possible train-wreck! Given we're confined to Zoom (for interactions and visibility etc), the sound ain't hi-fi for shit - but overall this is another indication of the way we are each dedicated to (at least attempting) innovation so as to surmount current circumstances. Remember that it is possible for me to stream live and lossless stereo DJ sets direct to you and up to 39 other households simultaneously if yr needing to celebrate in relative isolation. Saturday May the 2nd ~ Come Saturday Jack Off is back to bash yr brain and shake yr slices. Tune in from 3 til 5PM and support FBi Radio in our collective hour of need as you do! Comments are closed.
January 2025